[Zope] Arguments for choosing Zope

Paul Browning paul.browning@bristol.ac.uk
Wed, 22 May 2002 22:01:49 +0100

--On 22 May 2002 19:55 +0200 Oliver Marx <oliver@tekk.dk> wrote:

> Dear Reader
> My company is considering Zope for all new web-applications.
> So far PHP has been our language of choice, but a switch to Zope seems to
> imply a switch to Python.
> I must stress that CMS is *not* our main focus.
> Our first application would be an Network / Inventory program with SNMP
> support an small clients updating the DB with information about installed
> software and the like.
> We could choose Smarty templates/PHP4/Some db abstraction layer/Some DB,
> but I would personally choose Zope. Can you help me argument my case?

Searching the mail archives ("advocacy" ?) has already been suggested.


hasn't been updated in a while but may be helpful. And



 The Library, Tyndall Avenue, Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, BS8 1TJ, UK
   E-mail: paul.browning@bristol.ac.uk  URL: http://www.bris.ac.uk/