[Zope] Zope Page Template adding

Nico de Boer nico@nfg.nl
23 May 2002 12:47:18 +0200

Hi all,

I want to add a Zope Page Template at installation of my News
product. I've read some articles about this and found the following
code :

    def _createZPT(self, parent, id, title, content):
        """Add a PageTemplate to the NewsFolder product"""
        parent._setObject(id, ZopePageTemplate.ZopePageTemplate(id, text=content))
        getattr(parent, id).pt_setTitle(title)

But what is parent in this context?

With other words:

What do you fill in for parent in the method call?

I get a NameError when I do the following:


( News is the meta_type of my product )

