[Zope] Basic object access question

Garikoitz Araolaza gari@eibar.org
Mon, 27 May 2002 16:34:46 +0200

At 14:02 27/05/02, kent@springfed.com wrote:
>  sub
>   sub2
>  sub
>   sub2 - Image
>a DTML Document in Project/sub/sub2 contains;
><dtml-var /ImageFolder/sub/sub2/Image>
>I get a KeyError
>What am I missing here, where is the explanation?

You are missing that when you type:

<dtml-var something>

you are really meaning:

<dtml-var expr="something">

where everything between quotes "  " is a Python expression.

It is true that Zope maps  URLs to 
objects  (  /ImageFolder/sub/sub2/Image   to  ImageFolder.sub.sub2.Image ) 
but in this case you have to express it with the Python syntax.

So,  <dtml-var expr="ImageFolder.sub.sub2.Image"> should work.

You can leave aside expr= too, so:

<dtml-var "ImageFolder.sub.sub2.Image"> should be the easiest way to do it.

But warning:

If your image's ID is like:   Image.jpg  or Image.gif, you should 
understand that Zope will try to find a property called jpg or gif within 
an object called Image, so, to avoid it, your new syntax should be:

<dtml-var "ImageFolder.sub.sub2['Image.gif']">


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