[Zope] List attribute inside of a product...
Jeff Ross
Wed, 29 May 2002 18:35:46 -0700
I'm writing a product that needs a list of items inside it, e.g ['abc',
'456', '243'].
The list stays intact if the server is up. But if I shutdown and restart,
the list is cleared again.
Here's some of my code:
class Store(Folder.Folder, PortalContent, DefaultDublinCoreImpl):
""" Store Class """
meta_type = 'Store'
_isDiscussable = 1
icon = PortalContent.icon
categoryList = []
def manage_addCategory(self, id, title, REQUEST = None):
Is this the reason my list is getting reset to empty on restart? I don't
understand. If I have a text attribute and set it to empty in the class
code, then it's fine. I get my saved attribute. But my list is blown away.