[Zope] virtual browsing
Ed Colmar
Thu, 30 May 2002 08:50:29 -0700 (PDT)
For anyone still following this thread...
I've done some work on this, though it's still really REALLY basic. it is
On Thu, 30 May 2002, Garikoitz Araolaza wrote:
> At 18:22 30/05/02, you wrote:
> >There are legitimate reasons to do things like this. For instance, my
> >university (NC State) library interfaces to several journals in this way.
> >Basically only campus IPs are permitted access, but you can log in from an
> >outside computer with your student/faculty ID and use the journals.
> It shouldn't be so difficult with External Methods, using Python's urllib
> and some link parsing. But make sure to add a socket timeout (
> timeoutsocket.py ) so that Zope doesn't get blocked with non responding sites.
> zOpenDirectory does actually something similar, but with a deeper parsing.
> Gari
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