[Zope] parameters from dtml to python

Jorg E. Rødsjø jorgelr@stud.ntnu.no
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:35:54 +0100

I have an external method(python):

def makePhoneList(searchString, *sortBy):

Then I want to be able to call it in a dtml-document like so (wrong, I
know, but to illustrate what I am looing for).

<dtml-in expr="makePhoneList(searchString='foo', '<dtml-var sortBy1>', '<dtml-var sortBy2>')">

The sortBy1 and sortBy2 are variables in the DTML-document.

But I am having problems with the arguments. Possibly due to the fact that
my function specifies *sortBy as a list of parameters.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Jorg Rødsjø