[Zope] import error - No module named iclass

Júlio Silva jsilva@ruido-visual.pt
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 19:28:13 +0100

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> > >I'm upgrading to zope 2.6.0.
> > >When I try to import a ZClass based Product from zope 2.5.1
> > i get the
> > >following error.
> > >
> > >Error Type: ImportError
> > >Error Value: No module named iclass
> > Yup.  This was discussed about a week ago. Search the mailing
> > list archives; but as I remember, only the ZClasses descended
> > from ObjectManager have the problem, and then only if there
> > is a non-empty list on the SubObjects tab.  To export from
> > 2.5.x, remove all from that list; then it will import fine
> > into 2.6.  Then, I presume that you can recreate the list of
> > allowed subobjects, though I have not tried this.
>This worked fine.


I'm having the same problem migrating a zclass from 2.5.1 to 2.6.
I've tryed the collector fix of ZClasses/ObjectManager.py and the 
subobjects tab thing, but
that didnt solved my problem.

My zclass has ZFolder as base class instead of ObjectManager:

Base Classes: ZObject, ZFolder, CatalogAwareBase

I'm looking at the ObjectManager.py to see if I can put it to work for my 
zclass, but
I think in my case that doesnt make sense because my class dont have a 
subobject tab...

I'm looking into the zen of iclass...

Any ideias? thanks.

Julio Silva

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