[Zope] Re: silva, xmlwidgets, parsedxml

garry saddington garry@joydiv.fsnet.co.uk
Tue, 26 Nov 2002 14:52:53 +0000

On Thursday 17 April 2003 22:00, Passin, Tom wrote:
> [ Dieter Maurer]
> > Passin, Tom wrote at 2003-4-15 17:10 -0400:
> >  > ...
> >  > That is the other approach... but I am not sure it works
> >
> > in Windows,
> >
> >  > though, because maybe (I am not sure) setup checks the
> >
> > registry and does
> >
> >  > not find Zope's Python installation there.
> >
> > You may be right but it would be stupid (to look into the registry
> > when the executing Python has all information at hand).
> OK, I have done some experimenting and have some definitive results on
> Windows with regards to PyXML.
> I created a fresh new install of Zope 2.6 (the version on the zope.org
> site this afternoon).  Then I downloaded the PyXML 0.8.1 for Python 2.1
> (this is the last version that will work withPy2.1).  I ran the
> installer, and as expected, it could not find the Zope python
> installation.
> I installed PxXML 0.8.1 in my regular (non-Zope) Py 2.1.3 installation.
> Then I copied the _xmlplus directory tree to
> D:\Program Files\Zope2.6\bin\_xmlplus
> In other words, copy it into the zope/bin directory, which is on Zope's
> Python path.
> VERY IMPORTANT, yet often forgotten - DELETE ALL *.PYC AND *.PYO FILES
> when you move python code to a new location.  Those files can contain
> complete paths which are now obsolete, and can cause otherwise good cod=
> to fail.  That happened in this case.
> After this, I was able to sucessfully do PyXml-related commands like
> D:>"D:\Program Files\Zope2.6\bin\python.exe"
> Python 2.1.3 (#35, Apr  8 2002, 17:47:50) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
> Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import xml.xpath
> >>> import xml.xslt
> I have not tested anything else, but this shows the installation is
> working.  I think that you want to copy _xmlplus to somewhere on the
> Python path that would be found before the regular xml package would be
> found (it might work anyway, but this would be safer), and this way
> achieves this goal.

I have tried some more ways which you suggest. Copying _xmlplus to /zope/=
does not work. Renaming it to xml in /zope/bin does not work. Putting=20
_xmlplus into /zope/lib/python did not work. Renaming it to xml in=20
/zope/lib/python does work. I test it by starting zope and seeing whether=
ther are any error messages regarding parsedxml, xmlwidgets or silva. In =
cases i delete the .pyc and .pyo files before starting zope to test.
I can only use silva if the _xmlplus file is renamed to xml and placed in=

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