[Zope] MySQL Database not working well with Zope

Dennis Allison allison@sumeru.stanford.EDU
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 08:15:51 -0700

Ummm... you appear to be missing the C++ compiler or the setup.py
is referencing a compiler different from the one you have in place.
Look at the setup.* files and modify them as appropriate.

This from a quick google on "cl.exe" gives a bit more information.
It's from the archives of this list.


[Donnal Walter]
> Using Python 2.2 on Win2K I get the following error message
> when executing "% python setup.py build" from the
> Python22/Lib/site-packages/StandaloneZODB-1.0 directory:
>> <snip>
> creating build\temp.win32-2.2
> creating build\temp.win32-2.2\Release
> cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /GX -IC:\Python22\include
>     /TcExtensionClass/src/ExtensionClass.c
>     /Fobuild\temp.win32-2.2\Release\ExtensionClass.obj
> error: command 'cl.exe' failed: No such file or directory
>> Do I need to install something else first? Thanks.
cl.exe is the name of Microsoft's C/C++ compiler.  Zope is tested with MSVC
(MicroSoft Visual C++) version 6 on Windows.  If you don't have MSVC6, that
explains it.  If you do have MSVC6, there's a world of other possibilities,
but one step at a time.

From: "Joseph Griffin" <jgriffin@pclnet.net>
>It probably means that the compiler is looking for all the files it needs for 
>the compilation and did not find them. Look at all the messages leading up to 
>the error message to get a clue to where the failure is. Joseph
>On Wed, 2 Oct 2002 01:30:13 -0700 (PDT), Stephen Fung wrote
>> I've tried to install MySQL-python-0.9.1 again, but,
>> when I try to build the it, I get a message at the end
>> saying "error: command 'cl.exe' failed: No such file
>> or directory", and afterwards, if I try to install it,
>> I get the same message.  Whats this mean?
>> Thanks for all the help!
>> --- Dennis Allison <allison@sumeru.stanford.EDU>
>> wrote:
>> > > From: Stephen Fung <ricepail@yahoo.com>
>> > > 
>> > > I've tried to install ZMySQLDA before, but I've
>> > gotten
>> > > stuck every time.  I've installed the newest
>> > version
>> > > of Python on my computer, and have tried to follow
>> > the
>> > > given directions, but, as I run windowsXP, there
>> > isn't
>> > > a whole lot of instructions for windows users.  I
>> > > can't the the ZMySQLDA to work at all, and I get
>> > the
>> > > same "No Module Named _myql" error whenever I
>> > start
>> > > Zope.  Can somebody please guide me through the
>> > > install process in WindowsXP?
>> > > 
>> > 
>> > I've not tried an installations on Windows, but I
>> > suspect that the
>> > following Linux cautions apply--
>> > 
>> > First, be sure you have the right version of Python.
>> >  With Zope 2.5.1
>> > you need Python 2.1.3.  Later versions won't work.
>> > 
>> > You need to install two products not one.  I use 
>> > MySQL-python-0.9.1
>> > and ZMySQLDA-2.0.8.  One is the python interface to
>> > MySQL and the other
>> > is the database adaptor for Zope.
>> > 
>> > Be sure you install both using the version of Python
>> > you are using to
>> > run Zope--otherwise the wrong libraries are updated.
>> >