[Zope] Creating objects within a dynamic folder

Paul Smith paul.smith@bristol.ac.uk
Thu, 03 Oct 2002 14:24:35 +0100

Dear all,

Apologies if this seems a dumb question, but I've developed Zope-blindness 
from looking at this for a while now, and would appreciate someone pointing 
me in the right direction...

I'm trying to create a simple product for adding News items to folders 
within the ZODB. I am wanting to create the folder if it does not exist, 
and the folder name is built from values passed through from the form 
preceeding the constructor. Once the folder is created, or if it already 
exists, a news item should be added within the folder. This is where I am 
hitting a wall - I can't seem to create a namespace which allows me to 
create an object within the folder... The following is working code which 
creates a folder if needed, and the news item, but the next step is to 
create a news item within the newly created / existing folder.

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('folderdate', displayfrom_month + displayfrom_year)">

<dtml-if "_.hasattr(this(), folderdate )">
   <p><dtml-var folderdate> exists.</p>
   <dtml-with "newseventitem.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
     <dtml-call "propertysheets.newsevent.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
     <dtml-call reindex_object>
   <dtml-call "manage_addFolder(id=folderdate,title=folderdate)">
   <dtml-with "newseventitem.createInObjectManager(REQUEST['id'], REQUEST)">
     <dtml-call "propertysheets.newsevent.manage_editProperties(REQUEST)">
     <dtml-call reindex_object>
   <p><dtml-var folderdate> doesn't exist.</p>
   <p>Item added</p>

[newseventitem is the ZClass, and newsevent is the propertysheet associated 
with this ZClass]

If anyone can point me the right direction, or suggest a better way of 
doing this, I would be most grateful.



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