[Zope] Re: This is how HTML works
Sat, 05 Oct 2002 15:58:43 +0200
thanks for the link. It helped me to better understand what it is written in:
which confirms that only some form controls are sent on submission and
depending on their values.
I know that this argument is out of topoic, but again I couldn't find any
explicity reference to onother point concerning HTML forms, and that is:
is there any specification (or statement) about how the controls should be
ordered when a user agent sends a submitted form?
Shoul the sent control's (name=value) be arranged in the order they are
Or in the tabbing order (if and when specified)?
Does somebody knows how to find "official" information on this point?
Thanks and again sorry for this OT thread,
At 06:51 PM 10/4/2002 -0400, Jim Penny wrote:
>This is old:
>but here is one reference
>"The form contents are expressed as a property list of attribute names
>and values. Radio buttons and checkboxes are left out of the list when
>unchecked. This ensures that only the selected radio button contributes
>a name=value pair. Omitting the VALUE attribute for a checkbox field
>causes the field when checked to appear as a name without a value (this
>is appropriate for Boolean attributes)."