[Zope] Does Zope Cache Pages?
Andreas Jung
Mon, 07 Oct 2002 06:49:58 +0200
MSIE must die.
--On Montag, 7. Oktober 2002 04:43 -0600 kosh@aesaeion.com wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Oct 2002, David Garamond wrote:
>> refresh problems in IE is usually related to transparent proxies. IE <
>> 5.5SP1 never sends a 'Pragma: no-cache' header when you press Reload. it
>> only does when a proxy is explicitly specified, or when you press
>> Ctrl+Reload (not just Reload). that's why this behaviour is a problem
>> with transparent proxies (which are invisible to IE).
> There is far mroe too it then that. I have done connections with IE
> 5,5.5,6 to localhost without a proxy and it still does not always grab the
> latest version of a page. When it does not it usually does not even make a
> request to the server. Sometimes I even see it return an error message
> that was returned by zope 30 minutes or more earlier with no network
> traffic. IE has a LOT of http problems and caching is just one of the many
> that is has.