[Zope] New to zope

Gilles gilles.lavaux@esrin.esa.it
Tue, 8 Oct 2002 09:56:42 -0500

Hello Shad

Your point 1) and 2) are correct, it look like this is normal behaviour.
The zope site is so useless for the documentation  that you can not find a
product by using his name in the search field. Do a try with 'localfs'  for
example. You better have to try google.
My poor advise would be to keep it simple, try to do it without complicated
stuff (also without products with version like 0.001Beta) . Dtml is good (in
my opinion) because it still work in the next version, that's not all the
time the case with user products and/or complex things.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Shad Young" <shad.young@sympatico.ca>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Tuesday, October 08, 2002 12:55 AM
Subject: [Zope] New to zope

> Howdy all, I am new to Zope and python. I have configured a zope server
> created a rudimentary site as a learning tool (see my sig). I have three
> concerns atm.
> 1. I find navigating the docs on zope.org an exercise in frustration. Can
> somebody point me to the reference that outlines what each of the default
> installations permissions mean? Like a glossary of terms .. something like
> "access transient objects means blah" as well as general settings
> recommendations.
> 2. Many of the examples I find in the docs just don't work. For instance,
> adding a zclass. Following the directions yields results nothing like
> described in the docs. Is this a version problem? Python problem? Platform
> problem (development on XP, [live site is on debian, but no exports from
> to the other has occurred yet because I have as yet to get windows ver
> working right it seems]).
> Following the advice of a local Zope guru, I downgraded my activestate
> python 2.2 to a vanilla python 2.1.3, and moved the zopesite from Program
> Files to the %systemroot% using windows uninstall and then reinstalling.
> zope refuses to start as a service and it seems to want to compile its
> modules against the python installation instead of its own native python
> (windows zope binary install). I also have three dead zope instances in my
> services tab in windows that I desperately want to get rid of as they
> to go away. Silly me forgot to do a restore point before installing zope
> stepping back is not an option. How can I uninstall python and zope
> completely from my system as if it wasn't there? Then for a winXP Pro SP1
> box what is the recommended versions for stable and useful zope
> self-instruction.
> As far as Zope itself goes, I am in love with it. It is a brilliant
> that I can not wait to deploy.
> Cheers
> Shad
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