[Zope] Re: Quoting HTML

beno zope@thewebsons.com
Thu, 10 Oct 2002 14:46:38 -0400

At 08:30 PM 10/10/2002 +0200, you wrote:
>beno wrote:
>>I have the following Python Script (*not* External Script):
>>import string
>>size = string.atoi(size)/1280
>>css = "<style type='text/css'>"
>>css += ".headline { position: absolute; top: " + str(100*size) + "; left: 
>>" + str(150*size) + "; font-style: 800 " + str(40*size) + "px futura }"
>>css += ".belowHeadline { position: absolute; top: " + str(150*size) + "; 
>>left: " + str(250*size) + "; font-style: italic " + str(25*size) + "px 
>>verdana }"
>>css += "</style>"
>>return css
>>It isn't rendering properly because the brackets are being translated 
>>into ASCII. How do I prevent this?
>don't know what you mean... what does "translated into ASCII" mean in this 

is rendered as
and I don't want it rendered as such! How do I prevent these characters 
from being interpreted?