[Zope] How to organize users in "groups"
Robert Rottermann
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 07:29:08 +0200
I am using NuxUserGroups in two projects, both together with Plone, and have
found it to be stable and concise.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Glaser" <StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com>
To: <r.ineichen@projekt01.ch>; <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 9:26 PM
Subject: RE: [Zope] How to organize users in "groups"
> Hi Roger,
> nuxUserGroups looks cool, though I'm a little concerned about its level of
> maturity. Is it stable and reliable?
> I agree that reproducing the administrative interface is inefficient, and
> have made that fact clear to my client. The problem is that the system is
> intended for use by folks who are relatively unskilled technically. ZMI
> these users would be too unusable. Basically I'm going to have to dig into
> some of the ZMI manage methods and lift some of the code into my own
> application's pages. It does not strike me as the most efficient use of
> resources but the customer is insisting on it.
> Thanks so much for your help!!!
> --Phil
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Roger
> >Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:58 PM
> >To: zope@zope.org; StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com
> >Subject: RE: [Zope] How to organize users in "groups"
> >
> >
> >Hi Philip
> >I think you should use nuxUserGroups. This zope product form nuxeo
> >organise the users in groups andd you can assign roles to this groups.
> >And for the other logic I whould use DC workflow witch is a workflow
> >product for zope.
> >
> >Look at www.plone.org. Pherhaps plone has many of your ideeas
> >implemented. Spacial the member area for your end users.
> >And in plone you can many things offer to your client without to touch
> >the ZMI.
> >
> >Let me know if you realy plan to develope a coustom ZMI interface. I
> >think it's to much work and the second argument is, it's realy possible
> >to develope a custom interface for ZMI who is "better" for the customer?
> >What's better? I know I don't like the ZMI if I make a presentation by a
> >customer.
> >
> >Mit freundlichen Grüssen
> >Roger Ineichen
> >___________________________
> >Projekt01 GmbH
> >www.projekt01.ch
> >Langackerstrasse 8
> >6330 Cham
> >phone +41 (0)41 781 01 78
> >mobile +41 (0)79 340 52 32
> >fax +41 (0)41 781 00 78
> >email r.ineichen@projekt01.ch
> >___________________________
> >
> >Message: 10
> >From: "Phil Glaser" <StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com>
> >To: <zope@zope.org>
> >Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 14:40:54 -0400
> >Subject: [Zope] How to organize users in "groups"
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >I'm building a CMF site for a client who wants to organize users within
> >groups. The twofold purpose of this organization is: 1) to be able to
> >send
> >mail to specific constituencies of users; and 2) to assign permissions
> >to
> >specific constituencies of users. My client wants the application to
> >have
> >it's own custom administrative interface (he does not want the site's
> >administrators to be exposed to ZMI) that will enable the administrators
> >to
> >set permissions for specific groups on specific folders. The permissions
> >that the administrator sees may be simplified versions of the more
> >complex
> >sets of permissions you see through ZMI. For example, for a folder the
> >administrator would only see the permissions "No Access," "Read Only,"
> >"Submit File," and "Approve File." It is also important to know that the
> >site is structured as multi-community portal. In other words, members
> >are
> >defined at the level of the portal, and they will have permission to
> >belong
> >to specific communities within the portal. Each community will have the
> >same
> >functionality (content folders, discussions, news, etc.) but the content
> >will be different for each.
> >
> >It seems to me that the simplest way to do this is is to implement a
> >"group"
> >as a role. In other words, what my client is calling a "group" would be
> >the
> >equivalent of a Zope "role." When the administrator adds a new group, he
> >would under the hood be adding a new role. When he adds a user to one or
> >more groups, he would be associating the user with the roles (users need
> >to
> >be able to belong to more than one group at a time). Listing the members
> >of
> >a group and sending mail to them would mean filtering the user objects
> >based
> >on their role (assuming this can be done). As for the simplified
> >permissions, there would need to be a dictionary in a script that
> >correlates
> >each of these simple permissions with one or more of the native Zope
> >permissions.
> >
> >I think the only major problem with my approach stems from the fact that
> >the
> >groups/roles would be different for each comunity -- they would not
> >apply to
> >the entire portal. However, users would still be defined at the portal
> >level
> >because they will have access to multiple communities. Through ZMI, it
> >looks
> >like you can only assign a role to a user if the role has been defined
> >at
> >the same level as the user in the hierarchy or at a containing level in
> >the
> >hierarchy; in this case, I want to be able to assign a role that has
> >been
> >defined at a level below the level at which the user is defined.
> >
> >So my question is: is there a workaround for assigning a role to a user
> >when
> >the role is defined further down in the hierarchy from where the user
> >is, or
> >is there some other way entirely that I should be solving this problem?
> >
> >Many thanks!
> >
> >Philip Glaser
> >Principal and Software Architect
> >Sustainable Software Solutions, LLC
> >StillSmallVoice@DirectvInternet.com
> >www.sustainsoft.com
> >973-951-9522
> >
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
> >http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope
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