[Zope] DTML string in Zope Product

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 23:02:44 +0100

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Don't know if you've got the answer yet but here's the answer:

     def index_html(self, *arg, **kw):
         " Zope __str__  "
         return DTMLFile('index', globals(), mapping=kw).__of__(self)()

This is useful if you wanna make the following modifications:

     def index_html(self, *arg, **kw):
         " Zope __str__  "
         if self.REQUEST.SomeLanguage=='se':
            file = 'index.se'
            file = 'index.en'
         return DTMLFile(file, globals(), mapping=kw).__of__(self)()

At 15:15 2002-10-09 +0200, Bo M. Maryniuck wrote:

>Somebody know how to do instead:
>someFoo = DTMLFile('file', globals())
>def someFoo(self, REQUEST = None):
>         """abc"""
>         myDTML = "<standard_html_header>Test!<standard_html_footer>"
>         return myDTML
>Yes, I know: I should render it first. But how? I didn't find (yet) any
>DTMLString or something. Any hints?
>Regards, Bogdan
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