[Zope] Re: PYTHON: Searching for an object inside a folder

Maik Jablonski maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de
Thu, 17 Oct 2002 00:30:28 +0200

Vitor Varalonga wrote:
>     Hi!
>      I need to check, inside a Python script, if an object with a
> particular ID exists inside a folder.
>     Right now I'm using the following code:
>     # this is the folder I want to search
>     myFolder = container.REQUEST.PARENTS[0].img_folder
>     # search the folder for an object with ID <object_id>
>     obj = getattr(myFolder, object_id, None)
>     if obj is not None:
>         # there is no such object
>     else:
>         # there is an object with that id
>     Is there a more efficient way to perform this operation?


untested..;-), but should work:

if hasattr(myFolder.aq_explicit,object_id):
    # there is an object with object_id
      there is no object with object_id

myFolder.aq_explicit prevents aquiring from above...;-)

cheers, maik
Maik Jablonski                 __o
www.zfl.uni-bielefeld.de     _ \<_    Deutsche Zope User Group
Bielefeld, Germany          (_)/(_)               www.dzug.org