[Zope] tal:condition AND

Geir Bækholt Geir Bækholt
Sun, 20 Oct 2002 14:27:10 +0200

Hello Mark, 
Saturday, October 19, 2002, 11:24:28 PM, you wrote:
MG> I can do:
MG>   tal:condition="exists:date_edited"
MG> and I can do:
MG>   tal:condition="hasThePermision"
MG> I can even do:
MG>   tal:condition="date_edited | hasThePermission"

MG> but how do I do
MG>   tal:condition="date_edited AND hasThePermission"

MG> Given that date_edited may not exist in the namespace, using python has it's own 
MG> unique problems.  The following errors if date_edited isn't found.

MG>   tal:condition="python:hasThePermission and date_edited"

MG> Is there an easy way to do this test in one statement?

the 'path' method available in pythons-statements is your friend in
situations like these :

   tal:condition=" path('hasThePermission') and path('date_edited | nothing')

this just might work.. this one might fail (not give an error, but
produce the wrong result) if 'date_edited' exists, but is not true in a
pythonian boolean sense.
>From how i understand what you are trying to do , this is probably
never going to happen anyway...  ;)

hope to help :)

Geir Bækholt