AW: [Zope] Cache & filesystem directory view
Mitja Martini
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 09:38:36 +0200
yesterday evening I took a deeper look into the code and this is what seems
to work - at least for the AcceleratedHTTPCacheManager:
Changes in CMFCore/ (CMF V 1.3):
In line 20 (or so) add:
from OFS.Cache import Cacheable
Line 39 change to:
class FSPageTemplate(FSObject, Script, PageTemplate, Cacheable):
In line 49 add:
+ Cacheable.manage_options
Line 73 change to:
return 1
With these few changes you can associate all FSPageTemplates. They don't
show up in the "Of the type(s) list", but can be added by locating all
objects. The generated pages are obviously cached in the browser and the
cache statisics note all hits.
Unfortunately the RAMCacheManager is not amused: You can add the
FSPageTemplates but the result is not faster and the stats do not show
Now I have four new questions:
1. Is this solution OK or do you (or anybody else) see something strange?
2. Why is this not working with the RAM Cache Manager?
3. Is it possible to prevent addition to the RAM Cache Manager?
4. How can the FS.. Objects be added to the "Of the type(s)" list?
Thank you for your help.
Mitja Martini
PS: The changed can be found here: