[Zope] question about local roles
Alexis Roda
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:20:45 +0200
Dylan Reinhardt wrote:
> Check the permissions on everything a_method calls. That's probably your
> problem.
> To do a quick test if this is true, give a_method a Manager Proxy Role. If
> that solves your problem, you know that you hadn't set permissions
> correctly for some called object. If that doesn't solve your problem, you
> haven't set the permissions for a_method correctly.
I forgot to mention a detail, a_method is not in a_folder folder. It is
acquired the same way the hippo gets vaccinated in the zope zoo.
I have tested with the following simplified structure:
+- zope root (default permissions)
+- acl_users (here is where user1 is defined, no roles)
+- local_role_test (default permissions)
+- bin (*)
+- a_method (**)
+- a_folder (here user1 has some_role)
(*) manager, owner and some_role have permissions "access contents
information" and "view". Those permissions are not acquired from parent.
The rest of permissions have default values.
(**) a_method is plain HTML: <html><body><p>Hello</p></body></html>
as user1 I get an unauthorized messages when I access
Giving user1 some_role in a_method instead of a_folder is not a good
solution. On the real problem I'll have user1, user2 ... and folders
a_folder1, a_folder2 ... userN should be able to access a_folderN only.
(@ @)
Los pecados de los tres mundos desapareceran conmigo.
Alexis Roda - Universitat Rovira i Virgili - Reus, Tarragona (Spain)