[Zope] <noscript> and dtml
Chris Beaven
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 14:55:04 +1300
The problem is that <noscript> is handled on the client side, but DTML tags
are handled before the client even gets the page!
I guess another way around it would be to have the entry page with the "no
javascript" error message and have that page redirected to the real page
with javascript
<script language="JavaScript">
document.location.href = 'http://reallocation'
You must turn on javascript
-----Original Message-----
From: AM [mailto:list_subscriber@neurobs.com]
Sent: Wednesday, 23 October 2002 2:33 p.m.
To: Zope
Subject: [Zope] <noscript> and dtml
In my standard_html_header if I put the following:
<dtml-raise NoJavascript></noscript>
which is then handled by my standard_error_message.
Now the problem is even if scripting is enabled, the error is raised.
My standard_error_message redirects to an error page, so I tried
redirecting directly from within the noscript tags, and the same
happens: even though scripting is enabled I get redirected.
So I thought maybe it needs some text inside it to function properly,
and so I put some plain text inside the noscript tags and still the same.
What is the problem? If it cant be solved this way how do I go about it??
Aseem Mohanty
Neurobehavioral Systems Inc, 828 San Pablo Ave, Albany, CA 94706
(R) 510 7696011 (M) 510 3014871 (O) 510 5279231
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