[Zope] Database Adapter for ODBC Socket Server

Marc Roland mroland@aicat.de
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 17:46:00 +0200 (CEST)


does anyone know if somebody has written a
Zope Database Adapter for the ODBC Socket Server ?


The ODBC Socket Server is a very good and simple way
to build multi tier database applications, where
the communication flies via XML over the net.
I've a running Solaris/Apache/PHP-Server which talks
via the ODBC Socket Server to a Win2000/Access2000-Server.

And it's free (open-source) :-)

 Marc Roland                            AICAT CA Technologies GmbH
Dipl.-Ing.(FH) System Consultant        Friedrich-Karl-Str. 101-103
Fon:+49/(0)221/971445-30 Fax:-5         Germany-50735 Koeln (Niehl)