[Zope] Psyco & Zope
Skip Montanaro
Wed, 23 Oct 2002 14:24:44 -0500
Antonio> Anybody has try psyco and zope?
Oliver> It rocks!
Skip> Any gotchas?
Jim> Only one that I know of, and it is arguably a service.
Jim> psyco tries very hard to convert objects to their nearest pythonic
Jim> cognate. timestamps to DateTimes, floats to floats, integers to
Jim> ints, etc.
Um, before we get any farther off-track, there is "psyco" and "psycopg".
Helluva lot different beasts. Sounds like you're talking about psycopg. I
was asking (and understood the OP to be asking) about Psyco, Armin Rigo's
specializing compiler (see psyco.sf.net I believe).
Skip Montanaro - skip@pobox.com