[Zope] Re: Dreamweaver MX, was: Zope Myths?
Johan Carlsson [Torped]
Wed, 11 Sep 2002 23:43:49 +0200
At 21:06 2002-09-11 +0000, mattyoungrev2 said:
>Has anyone had luck using Dreamweaver/Zope through *either* Webdav or
>Dreamweaver seems to get confused if you dare to edit files on the
>server! XP seems to play fair w/Zope web folders, and DW crashes more
>than either of the others, so I think it's a DW bug. Any
>confirmations/workarounds? Right now I'm using DW for a very small %
>of files by cut and paste!
I think the best way to get this working for both Dreamweaver and GoLive
is to ignore the WebDAV support all together and use the ExternalEditor
product instead.
(which is almost absolutely brilliant, excepts when it barfs at my
buggy DTML and loses the connection between the file and the server
of no apparent reason. If no one else fixes it, I gotta get my hand dirty=
the MSVC and try to fix that some rain sunday, it just hasn't been allot=
rain around here in Sweden this summer).
Any, besides wealth conditions and all, ExternalEditor is your man.
I think it even fakes extensions for you if you ask it nicely.
At least for my 0.05 Euro.
I know you temper with the tag engine in Dreamweaver (plus my own
long experience with that beast) so that would make it a better choice.
IMHO both DW and GL has blown out of proportion in the last releases.
Still using DW3, which is still pretty fast on my oooold laptop.
Johan Carlsson
PS. The DW template system has actually been an inspiration for Easy=
template system, so if I'm wining about who bad DW is its not entirely true=
Next EP release will include smart Library Object, yee-haa.
Well that probably more info than any but really cares about.
Swedish-Zope-Jockey logging of for the day...
>Also: does GoLive work any better with Zope/WebDav?
Torped Strategi och Kommunikation AB
Johan Carlsson
Birkagatan 9
SE-113 36 Stockholm
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