[Zope] Spontaneous Namespace Binding Combustion with Script(Python)?

Chris Withers chrisw@nipltd.com
Tue, 24 Sep 2002 09:48:47 +0100

Hi there,

Bit of a weird one. Delivered something to a customer last night, went home, 
came in this morning to find the customer was having problems.

I looked at the error:

Error Type: TALESError
Error Value: exceptions.NameError on global name '_' is not defined in 
"standard:'here/xxx'", at line xx, column x

...which seemed pretty obvious.

I went to the bindings tab of the python script in question and sure enough, the 
namespace box was empty. Now, the thing is, I _know_ this was bound when I left 
last night. I checked to see if anyone had edited anything, and nothing had been 
changed since I left last night, and there were no new transactions in the undo log.

So, basically, I'm rather miffed and my confidence is a little shaken. What on 
earth could have happened here?

