[Zope] Skins folder for python (non-cmf) product
Dylan Reinhardt
31 Mar 2003 16:17:07 -0800
On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 13:53, Chad Nantais wrote:
> What sort of hack do I need to perform so that
> when, for example, someone requests customer_search_form while they are
> in the Customer folder, the search form gets acquired from my core
> object?
No hack at all. Just make sure that your "core" object is the closest
acquirable object that can resolve that name.
> I am currently doing this by defining variables in my 'class
> Core:' for each possible skin. However, I want to get away from
> defining each skin in the core class. I want each skin in the
> filesystem directory Core/www to become available to all subobjects.
It sounds like you may not have done this before... so let me give you
the quick tour.
The standard way of providing product interfaces is to create a file
using your favorite templating language. To make that interface a
property of your product instances, you need only do:
my_interface = DTMLFile('dtml/my_interface', globals())
my_interface = PageTemplateFile('zpt/my_interface', globals())
(After having imported DTMLFile or PageTemplateFile, of course)
Really, it's hardly any more work than creating the template file in the
first place.
If you have too many interfaces to manage, I would guess that you're
probably not really using the dynamic features of Zope's templating
languages to their full advantage. It's far better, in general, to have
an interface that can render 10 different ways than 10 interfaces that
are different only in subtle ways.
Publishing templates without explicitly defining them as class
properties is possible, of course... but it's almost certainly not the
answer to the problem you're currently facing. I'm not sure it's the
answer to *any* problem.
Maybe I'm not getting what you're trying to do. If that seems to be the
case, maybe you could expand on your problem?