[Zope] Re: MailHost under Zope 2.6.1

Lennart Regebro lennart@regebro.nu
Tue, 01 Apr 2003 17:05:31 +0200

Maik Jablonski wrote:
> If you want to send only a message-Body (only the content of a mail), 
> you should use:
>  simple_send(self, mto, mfrom, subject, body):

Well, you COULD. There is no should involved. :)
But yes, in this case that is in fact a much better idea than mine! :)

> If you want to use send(...) to send only content, you should format 
> your messageText as messageText="\n"+messageBody.

It doesn't work, all whitespace in the messagebody is removed before
it's munged.