[Zope] LDAP
Dieter Maurer
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 21:30:20 +0200
Marie Robichon wrote at 2003-4-1 16:04 +0200:
> I want to build an html table based on the results of an LDAP query style
> ldap://ldap.abcd.fr/ou=people,dc=esrf,dc=fr??sub?(description=*Id17*)
> within a dtml method. How do I go about this? Do I have to install a
> LDAPUserFolder? If someone has a link to a good howto I would be very
> grateful (haven't yet found anything for the newbie I am!)
Do I understand you right that you want to pass the query
to a true LDAP server?
Then you need an Python-LDAP gateway: python-ldap.
You do not need to install "LDAPUserFolder" but can use it
as an example on how to interface with an LDAP server.