[Zope] Re: Vocabularies and DateRangeIndexes

Maik Jablonski maik.jablonski@uni-bielefeld.de
Thu, 03 Apr 2003 15:26:32 +0200

Paavo Parkkinen wrote:
>>>How do I add a vocabulary to a catalog so that the singlechars option
>>>is set, from a python script? It needs the extra.splitterSingleChars
>>>set, but I have no idea how to do that.

As far as I know you can't build records in PythonScripts which are 
needed to add the new kind of Indexes... Maybe some interface should be 
implemented into the Zope-Core to do this kind of stuff.

In the meanwhile you can try something like this in an External Python 

         class Extra:
             """ Just a dummy to build records for the Lexicon.

         wordSplitter = Extra()
         wordSplitter.group = 'Word Splitter'
         wordSplitter.name = 'Whitespace splitter'

         caseNormalizer = Extra()
         caseNormalizer.group = 'Case Normalizer'
         caseNormalizer.name = 'Case Normalizer'

                                                     'Lexicon', 'Lexicon',

         extra = Extra()
         extra.index_type = 'Okapi BM25 Rank'
         extra.lexicon_id = 'Lexicon'

         self.Catalog.manage_addIndex('mDate', 'DateIndex')
         self.Catalog.addIndex('mSubject', 'ZCTextIndex', extra)

Cheers, Maik