[Zope] Re: can't start new thread
Maik Jablonski
Thu, 10 Apr 2003 08:46:50 +0200
seila@gmx.de wrote:
> we have just installed zope to a new server (RedHat 7.3, Zope 2.6.1, Python
> 2.1.3, Apache 1.3.27, multiprocessor: Dual Xeon HotSwap, ICP Vortex Hardware
> Raid 10).
> Since we have a problem reaching zope behind apache, we started prozess in
> debug modus.
> Zope seems to start normally (port 8081, 8021), after the first call of the
> domain in the webbrowser (we get 500 server error), we find these 2 lines in
> the debug log:
> ERROR(200) ZServer Server Error: thread.error, can't start new thread
> file: /zope/Zope-2.6.1/ZServer/PubCore/ZRendezvous.py line: 32
I've had a similar problem with RedHat 7.3 / 8 (upgraded from 7.2). Zope
ran with only one (!!!) thread, regardless if I used my Redhat's Python,
Zope's binary python or my own Python-Build. I didn't worked it out, so
I switched to Debian and I'm lucky again...:)
Cheers, Maik