[Zope] Reload ExtFile-Objects fails
Jens Vagelpohl
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 07:46:04 -0400
why do you even use PCGI? if there is no specific reason for it i would
switch to the simpler and more common rewrite rule setup for
communicating between zope and apache.
On Wednesday, Apr 16, 2003, at 06:27 US/Eastern, Anja Slowinski wrote:
> Hello,
> we use Apache and pcgi-wrapper to zserver. The Request is visible in
> the
> Z2.log but the browser (IE, Netscape, Mozilla) cannot load the page
> every
> second time (The first load is ok, the reload is broken, the second
> reload gives the page).
> After the timeout the File that "comes back" seems to be 0 Bytes in
> size.
> I cannot reproduce this behavior with lynx ctrl-R :-(.
> Reloading the Extfile objects directly from the zserver seems to work
> fine.
> Please hint me to points where I can obtain further information,
> especially how to debug the connection back from zserver to
> pcgi-wrapper
> to apache to browser.
> Here is an example. Do you experience the same behavior?
> http://zope.verwaltung.uni-mainz.de/presse/bilder/Ozonabbau/curtis_1
> --
> Yours sincerely,
> Anja Slowinski
> Netzwerkgruppe (ZDV) & Informationssysteme (Verwaltung)
> Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet
> http://www.uni-mainz.de/~slowi
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