[Zope] Session transferring problem
Lubos Culen
Wed, 16 Apr 2003 16:05:01 +0200
thank you very much for detailed answer. I investigated a bit, and I think
the issue is here:
Let's say I have DTML document called 'content' in folder 'document'. Let's
say I have link <a href="testlink">testlink</a> inside this "content"
Now, when I'm accessing *directly* the 'content' document from the web (e.g.
http://www.mysite.com/document/content ), then the link is right encoded
with Zope's session ID, exactly as you explained.
BUT - when I'm accessing this 'content' document *indirectly* (for example,
through some ZPT Page template), then the URL session will not be
maintained. Here is concrete example when this happens: if I create Page
Template at http://www.mysite.com/index_html , which will read the "content"
inside (using <span tal:content="structure here/content"></span>), and if I
will call http://www.mysite.com/document/ , it will display the "content"
document correctly, but the <a href="testlink"> it will translate without
session data. I tried also DTML Methods for templates instead of ZPT, but
the result was the same.
During all the process, I have "Automatically Encode Zope-Generated URLs
With A Browser Id" in browser_id_manager switched off.
Do you have any suggestions?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris McDonough [mailto:chrism@zope.com]
> Sent: 16. dubna 2003 15:32
> To: Lubos Culen
> Cc: Zope mailinglist
> Subject: Re: [Zope] Session transferring problem
> Hi Lubos,
> I unfortunately can't replicate this behavior.
> As long as you've got the "automatically encode Zope-generated URLs with
> a browser id" parameter checked off in your browser id manager, and as
> long as you don't provide *absolute* urls in your links, the URLs
> rendered by the browser should indeed include the URL fragments which
> identify the session.
> OTOH, if you are providing absolute links in the content (links
> beginning with a '/' or links that include a protocol like "http://" in
> them), the browser will not take into account the base url of the page
> and the link will be rendered as written.
> Eg:
> <a href="testlink">testlink</a>
> becomes a link to:
> http://localhost:8080/_ZopeId/30629499A0xKIYXTE4A/testlink
> <a href="/testlink">absolute testlink</a>
> becomes a link to:
> http://localhost:8080/testlink
> <a href="http://testlink">absolute testlink with protocol</a>
> becomes a link to:
> http://testlink
> If you see something different, please let me know.
> - C
> On Wed, 2003-04-16 at 08:19, Lubos Culen wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a page with session data transferring through the URLs,
> so the page
> > URLs in browser look like
> > http://www.mysite.com/_ZopeId/84525053A0xJuPCpTSI/mydir/mydocument.
> >
> > Now, let's have DTML document called "content" inside the "mydocument"
> > folder, which contains some "static" HTML data (this data
> cannot be DTML,
> > because it needs to be editable with some WYSIWYG editor). Above these
> > folders is some ZPT template called index_html, which will display the
> > content data inside the some template.
> > Let's have some link in the "mydocument/content" document, which is for
> > example <a href="other_document">Link</a> . It is inside the
> content area
> > and it is linked *relatively*, so I suppose it should maintain
> the session
> > data (so the Zope's result URL would be
> >
http://www.mysite.com/_ZopeId/84525053A0xJuPCpTSI/mydir/other_document ).
> But the reality is bad - result URL is only
> http://www.mysite.com/mydir/other_document and the session data is lost.
> So, the question is, is there *any* way how to maintain URL sessions when
> linking relatively inside plain content (non-DTML and non-ZPT) document in
> Zope? Or, if not, how people use to solve this problem generally, when
> to transfer non-cookie session data through static <a href="..."> URLs?
> Thanks for the answer,
> Lubos.
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