[Zope] WebDAV+Netscape Composer fails when updating pages.
Felipe Barousse Boué
20 Apr 2003 19:12:18 -0500
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Hello all:
I am trying to use Netscape 7.02's Composer (because that is what the
customer uses, and won't change... in case you wonder, no options here)
product to edit simple pure HTML (no DTML at all) pages on a Zope system
with WebDAV enabled (parameter -W 8900 at ~/z2.py).
When the file to be edited is new within Zope (i.e. there is no previous
object with that name), everything works perfect. The document gets
created and its accesible from any other object in Zope (permissions and
roles taken into account.)
If we publish from Composer to a previously created page in Zope,
Composer reports a succesful "publishing" but actually the file never
changes in Zope.
The log entries in Z2.log with this actions are:
When creating the file: (works fine) - man [20/Apr/2003:03:05:25 -0500] "PUT
/folder/dox/P-OP-000099.html HTTP/1.1" 201 233 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02"
When "updating" the pre-existing file. (no err reported, neverthless
object is NOT changes/updated): - man [20/Apr/2003:11:22:29 -0500] "PUT
/folder/dox/P-OP-000099.html HTTP/1.1" 204 236 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U;
Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.0.2) Gecko/20030208 Netscape/7.02
The above behavior happens both, using a "Manager" level account in
Zope, which can read/write anywhere in the Zope tree and also with a
normal User account. It also happens no matter where in the Zope tree
this is done.
Any suggestions of what may be happening with using WebDav to publish
web pages, specially UPDATING pre-existent pages in a Zope system ?
Thanks in advance.
Felipe Barousse.
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