[Zope] How to upload an image? (Solved!!!)

Jan Maška jan.maska@systinet.com
Tue, 22 Apr 2003 11:22:07 +0200

Hi guys,

sorry for this, I really outranked my own stupidity.. :-))
The DTML code part that should upload the image was missing..
Just to finish this issue, this is the DTML that works:

<dtml-let imagename="REQUEST.form['imagename']">

Thanks to all that started typing in attempt to help me out. :-)))


-----Original Message-----
From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of Jan
Sent: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 11:10 AM
To: Zope mailing list
Subject: [Zope] How to upload an image?

Hi there,

I'm trying to provide an editors' interface for front-end users, who I don't
want to allow access to ZOPE management console (for obvious reasons - if
you've ever developed for managers and marketing, you'll understand).. :-))

Right now, my problem is an interface for adding 'NEWS-like' items - press
releases, announcements etc.
Errata: No problem with item creation, but I need to enable users to add a
single image to the news item.
I read tons of stuff from wannabe-tutorials to fairly complex solutions
(Python libraries etc.).. and I'm only getting more confused.

Is there a simple and reliable solution based on DTML or simple Python?
e.g. <dtml-call "manage_addImage('imagename',$REQUEST.form['imagefile'])">

Given that this is a pretty common problem, i suspect somebody's had to
solve it already.
I'd be really happy if you could give me a hint or a link to really
*WORKING* howto.. or a demo in ZEXP would be really amazing help.

Regards and thanks in advance.


 Jan Maska, web developer
 Systinet, Prague(CZ)

 visit http://www.systinet.com

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