[Zope] Newbie - passing a list to an External Method

Ashley Lloyd ashleylloyd@hotmail.com
Wed, 23 Apr 2003 13:51:12 +0100

thanks again for your help, although I'm not sure I know exactly what you 
mean (my stupidity as opposed to anything else!).

There is very little to this External Method:

def run(self)
   fileID = REQUEST.fileId
   lines = REQUEST.lines

   import sping.stringformat
   from sping.PDF import PDFCanvas
   from sping.PS import PSCanvas
   canvas = PDFCanvas(size=(350,200), name=filename)
   y = 20
# return lines works fine here
   for line in lines: # this is the line where the error is reported.
# print line here also generates the same __getitem__ AttributeError
       sping.stringformat.drawString(canvas, line, 10,y)
       y = y + 20
# If trying to print line I try returning printed here instead
   return fileID

I don't know what other debugging I can do, so would be grateful for 
suggestions. Again, if I define, or over-write the lines variable inside the 
External Method, (ie lines=[], lines.append ...) then it works fine, its 
just when it retrieves lines from request, or it is passed as a parameter.



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