[Zope] skip the XXX_addForm
Paavo Parkkinen
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 12:06:04 +0300
On to, 24.04.2003 at 10:40 +0200, Fabio Rolando wrote:
> Is it somehow possible so make the addForm for a ZClasses to be
> automatically posted with a generated ID? I know how to do it in Javascript
> but I'd rather avoid using it at this stage, is there any other way to go
> directly to the XXX_add script? I do generate a unique id for my objects
> but I still have to press the button for actually calling the XXX_add
> script.
>From the factory of the ZClass, select the initial method to be
XXX_add instead of XXX_addForm. You also have to add a
request-parameter to the constructor.
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while billions are spent on bombs creating death showers"