[Zope] Attribute Error while adding ZSearch Interface

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Thu, 24 Apr 2003 21:48:58 +0200

Shashank Ashtikar wrote at 2003-4-24 12:10 +0530:
 > ...
 > > Looks at if your "Catalog" instance were broken:
 > > 
 > >   "ZCatalog" is a tiny wrapper around "Catalog".
 > >   The "Catalog" instance is maintained as "_catalog" of
 > >   the "ZCatalog" instance.
 > > 
 > > Is your "ZCatalog" usable at all? (I doubt it).
 > The ZCatalog is usable but error in my opinion is some where else.
 > I came to this conclusion after doing some more hacking on the problem.
 > This what is puzzling me:
 > 	I have a python class which inherits from ZCatalog I have lot of
 > instances of this class. Thus in the add form for ZSearch Interface
 > all these instances were being listed. So when I choose one of these
 > instances I get the mentioned attribute error. But when I choose a actual
 > ZCatalog instance the form woks perfectly fine. I can do with this.

This means, you inherited "ZCatalog" but did not call its
"__init__" method.

When you override a method, it is sometime necessary to
call the method of the inherited class in your class...
