[Zope] Europython 2003 - have you marked it into your calendar?

Heimo Laukkanen huima@iki.fi
Sun, 27 Apr 2003 04:04:19 +0100

Hi ya all,

we're currently making the program for Zope-track and it is looking very 
cool also for the Zope track. At the moment we have a couple of 
interesting talks about Zope 3, which should be very very interesting 
for all of us who have not had time to follow up constantly what happens 
on Zope 3.

   Naturally we will have also presentations about most popular Zope 
CMS-systems and plan also to organize a roundtable talk, where you have 
possibility to see and hear about most of the project at once.

   And of course there are other interesting talks about Zope projects, 
extreme programming - and other cool things. So be sure to mark 
Europython to your calendar ( June 25-27, 2003 ) and book your flights 
in advance!

   Deadline for submitting talks has also been extended, so if you have 
done something that you would like to show to your peers - please drop 
me a line by email or write a proposal straight into the database at 

   Talk to your boss and be sure that you can bring your colleagues too 
- it will be fun and I hope to see most of you there.
