[Zope] caling script after PUT (was: getting parent in product)
Christopher N. Deckard
Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:06:32 -0500
Apologies, I forgot to change the subject of the message.
On Fri, 1 Aug 2003 13:04:49 -0500, Christopher N. Deckard spoke
> Hello,
> I've written a ZMI configurable PutFactory Product to allow our
> users to be able to configure what types of objects are created
> when files are PUT using WebDav. What I would like to add is the
> ability to call a script immediately after the object is created.
> The script could do things like auto-catalog images in a ZCatalog
> or send out an email every time a file is uploaded.
> Looking at the code in webdav/NullResource.py NullResources.PUT():
> ob = (factory(name, typ, body) or
> self._default_PUT_factory(name, typ, body)
> )
> # We call _verifyObjectPaste with verify_src=0, to see if
> the # user can create this type of object (and we don't need
> to # check the clipboard.
> try:
> parent._verifyObjectPaste(ob.__of__(parent), 0)
> except Unauthorized:
> raise
> except:
> raise 'Forbidden', sys.exc_info()[1]
> # Delegate actual PUT handling to the new object.
> self.__parent__._setObject(name, ob)
> RESPONSE.setStatus(201)
> it doesn't look like I can do what I'd like to do without
> overriding NullResource.PUT(). Any thoughts on how to accomplish
> this?
> Thanks,
> -Chris
Christopher N. Deckard | Lead Web Systems Developer
cnd@ecn.purdue.edu | Engineering Computer Network
http://eng.purdue.edu/ECN/ | Purdue University
---- zlib.decompress('x\234K\316Kq((-J)M\325KM)\005\000)"\005w') ---