[Plone-users] Re: [Zope] anyone using plone in japan?

Robert B. Hawkins rbh at okihawk.org
Sat Aug 9 09:57:40 EDT 2003

2003年 8月 9日 土曜日 06:19、Andy McKay さんは書きました:
> People are, I would suggest asking the plone-i18n list, look for it at
> http://sf.net/projects/plone
> David Bear wrote:
> > I'm wondering if there are any plone users developing sites in
> > japanese.  I need to understand some of the issues of
> > internationalizing with python/zope/cmd/plone -- and how other tools
> > like webdav work with CJK character sets.


Overall check out http://zope.jp.  This is the home for the Japan Zope
User Group.  Hopefully you can read Japanese, 'cuz that's all there is
on that site.  

The mailing list is not very active, well at least compared to plone. ; )
However, when a question is asked, they are normally answered quickly.

There are some other sites and information out there, but zope.jp is the
best start.


Robert B. Hawkins						ロバート・ホーキンズ
http://www.okihawk.org  					http://okiit.okihawk.org
http://www.okiwell.org						http://www.ospi.jp
					rbh at okihawk.org
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