[Zope] Synchronizing Two (Disparate) Zope Installations

Roy Rapoport r.rapoport at fi.com
Tue Aug 12 08:30:18 EDT 2003

Paul Winkler wrote: 
> i can see how you'd get that impression, but in fact the current 
> CVS version has some (small) enhancements over the last release, 
> and I've got a bunch of stuff to check in as soon as it's 
> tested a bit 
> more thoroughly - I'm hoping to put together a new release sometime 
> this month.  Notably, I now have a recursive comparison mode working, 
> so it can show differences below the current folder.

Oh heck, I'm sorry Paul -- I thought Andy was still the authoritative owner
of ZSyncer, and he mentioned he wasn't working on it much anymore.  I meant
no offense.

> > requires the directory path to be the same.
> hmm, that could probably change pretty easily. nobody's ever asked
> about this before, AFAIK. I'll see if I can get to that.

That would be amazingly nice.  Let me know if there's an Amazon wishlist we
can contribute to to further motivate you :)

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