[Zope] Re: No module named GenericUserFolder

Andreas Tille tillea at rki.de
Wed Aug 13 00:49:29 EDT 2003

On Tue, 12 Aug 2003, Dieter Maurer wrote:

> Determine the line in the ZSQL Method code that causes the exception
It happens on *any* (even the simplest) ZSQL Method on my installation.

> (you look at the traceback for this).
There isn't any hint in the HTML source of the error page (if you mean this).
I would have mentioned this in my mail.

> Catch exceptions other then "ConflictError", log them and continue.
How to catch them in a plain ZSQL method???

> File a bug report with patch.
I would like to do the first.  I would love to provide a patch but it
seems to be out of my scope - sorry.

> Alternative: Remove products which no longer work from
> "Control_Panel/Products".
I'll check this.

Thanks for the hints


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