[Zope] RE: Syntax for dtml-in property check?

Dan Shafer dan at danshafer.com
Fri Aug 15 00:30:07 EDT 2003

Dylan Reinhardt wrote:

> In this case you need to use the prefix attribute of the dtml-in tag.
> It replaces "sequence-" with "foo_" (note the underscore) where foo is
> the value you assign to prefix.
> Example:
> <dtml-in my_sequence prefix=seq>
>    <dtml-var seq_item>
> </dtml-in>

Wow. I can't even find the prefix attribute documented anywhere. Thanks 
for pointing it out.

Unfortunately, either I still don't get it or I'm doing something else 
wrong. My new code snippet looks like this:

<dtml-in expr="objectValues('Folder')" prefix=seq sort=title_or_id>
<dtml-var seq_coach_id><br>

Now I get a key error on seq_coach_id.

I know there's a property called coach_id associated with every folder 
over which I'm iterating. So what am I missing now?

I appreciate the help more than I can say, by the way. This syntactical 
soup is very trying, esp. when someone comes up with a solution like 
this that I couldn't have found in a million years as far as I can 
tell! Without this list, I'd have bailed on Zope a year ago!

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