[Zope] Creating products

Dustin Mitchell dustin at ywlcs.org
Sun Aug 17 09:45:14 EDT 2003

I can't seem to find the straight dope on this one in the
documentation.  I have a Python product, named Volunteer.  It has
several classes defined within it (VolunteerUserFolder, Opportunity,
etc.).  Each class defines constructors e.g., manage_addOpportunity and

In order to instantiate one of these classes programmatically, I know I
need to do something like:


but this doesn't seem to work -- manage_addOpportunity is not found.  I
know that


is some sort of proxy for my product, but what is the list of
attributes I can access from this point (not counting acquisition,
obviously)?  If I wanted to add a static product-level function (for
example, run_background_check(ssn)), where would I put that function?

Thanks to anyone who can shed some light on all of this or direct me
toward a snippet of documentation I haven't found :-)



  Dustin Mitchell
  dustin at ywlcs.org/djmitche at alumni.uchicago.edu
  PGP Key: http://people.cs.uchicago.edu/~dustin/pubkey.txt                                                                                  

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