[Zope] Custom Memberdata - Birthdays and date format

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Mon Aug 18 21:28:12 EDT 2003

Jim Barbara wrote at 2003-8-17 14:14 -0700:
 > I added birthday (type=Date) to portal_memberdata in
 > the ZMI for my Plone site.  I edited the My
 > Preferences form to include Birthday.  I then created
 > a custom python script called getMember:
 > roster=[]
 > for member in context.portal_membership.listMembers():
 >     roster.append( { 'id':member.getUserName()
 >                             , 'email':member.email
 >                             ,
 > 'birthday':member.birthday
 >                             , 'fullname':
 > member.fullname })
 > return roster
 > And then I use some of the output of that script in a
 > page template using the following:
 > <table> <tr tal:repeat="member here/getMembers"> <td
 > tal:content="string:${member/fullname}">Column 1 dummy
 > data</td> <td
 > tal:content="string:${member/birthday}">Column 2 dummy
 > data</td> </tr> </table> 
 > The problem is that I cannot get the birthday date
 > string data formatted with just Month, Day

What type has your "birthday"?

When it is a "DateTime" (often called "date" type),
then the "DateTime" documentation in "DateTime/DateTime.html"
tells you which methods you can use (among others "day", "month"
and "strftime").

When it is a string, you may need to split it into its components
(probably using the "split" method of strings).
You can then use the Python's formatting operator ("%") to
reformat the string.

 > and
 > I have no idea as to how to sort this data my month.

Split the birthday into month and other (as a pair) and
sort the resulting list via the list method "sort".
Reformat later as needed.


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