[Zope] ZSyncer - Two new features

Júlio Silva jsilva at ruido-visual.pt
Fri Aug 22 16:37:21 EDT 2003


I've been working with zsyncer and two features were a must for me.

1º RETAIN OWNERSHIP: when a user performs a sync, the objects created on
target/destination either get their ownership from the account used to do 
the sync or
from the override (username,password) option on "Edit Server" tab.What I needed
was for the sync to DO NOT take ownership on synced objects but rather retain
existing ownerhip of the synced objects.

For this I made changes to ZSyncer/dtml/Edit.dtml and ZSyncer/ZSyncer.py to 
be able to have
this feature available. In ZSyncer/dtml/Edit.dtml I added some html form 
options to choose this
feature and in ZSyncer/ZSyncer.py I added support for the set_owner 
variable used
once in the call to method setObject which can receive the set_owner param.

IMPORTANT: the option you choose, either take ownership or retain 
ownership, this
option must be selected in the same way on source and target servers for 
this to work as
expected. Dont ask.

2º SELECT ALL: have to sync folders with LOT of objects. I needed a "select 
all" button.

For this I made changes to ZSyncer/dtml/Folder.html to add support for the 
"select all" button.
The javascript code was stolen from the "select all" button of Zope's ZMI.

Please find attached the files with the changes I made to support this two 
I used ZSyncer 0.4.6.

I dont know who maintains the ZSyncer code (Is it Andy on zope.org or 
zopezen and others
on sourceforge?), so I'm sending the code to this list, to have some feedback.

Best Regards,

Julio Silva
Ruido Visual, Lda

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