[Zope] Fwd: ZSyncer - Two new features

Júlio Silva jsilva at ruido-visual.pt
Fri Aug 22 16:39:40 EDT 2003

Here goes the attach...

Best Regards,

Julio Silva
Ruido Visual, Lda

>Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2003 15:37:21 +0100
>To: zope at zope.org
>From: Júlio Silva <jsilva at ruido-visual.pt>
>Subject: ZSyncer - Two new features
>I've been working with zsyncer and two features were a must for me.
>1º RETAIN OWNERSHIP: when a user performs a sync, the objects created on
>target/destination either get their ownership from the account used to do 
>the sync or
>from the override (username,password) option on "Edit Server" tab.What I 
>was for the sync to DO NOT take ownership on synced objects but rather retain
>existing ownerhip of the synced objects.
>For this I made changes to ZSyncer/dtml/Edit.dtml and ZSyncer/ZSyncer.py 
>to be able to have
>this feature available. In ZSyncer/dtml/Edit.dtml I added some html form 
>options to choose this
>feature and in ZSyncer/ZSyncer.py I added support for the set_owner 
>variable used
>once in the call to method setObject which can receive the set_owner param.
>IMPORTANT: the option you choose, either take ownership or retain 
>ownership, this
>option must be selected in the same way on source and target servers for 
>this to work as
>expected. Dont ask.
>2º SELECT ALL: have to sync folders with LOT of objects. I needed a 
>"select all" button.
>For this I made changes to ZSyncer/dtml/Folder.html to add support for the 
>"select all" button.
>The javascript code was stolen from the "select all" button of Zope's ZMI.
>Please find attached the files with the changes I made to support this two 
>I used ZSyncer 0.4.6.
>I dont know who maintains the ZSyncer code (Is it Andy on zope.org or 
>zopezen and others
>on sourceforge?), so I'm sending the code to this list, to have some feedback.
>Best Regards,
>Julio Silva
>Ruido Visual, Lda

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