[Zope] Problem with Plone URL

Tino Wildenhain tino at wildenhain.de
Wed Dec 3 07:57:06 EST 2003

Hi Chy,

Chy Ty schrieb:
> I have userd Plone for content management for my company.
> Every time I request some thing the URL automatic incluse the Work Plone.
> http://mywwebsiet.com/Plone/Plone/Plone/Plone/Plone/Plone/Plone/Plone
> Could you show me how to sold this problem? How can I change the word Plone
> to another work?

Maybe you are using Apache or another proxy as front end and
VirtualHostMonster? See the documentation page of VHM
in the management interface on how to include VirtualHostRoot
in the URL to avoid the above problem.

Tino Wildenhain

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