[Zope] Uploading audio mp3

Marc Lindahl marc at bowery.com
Fri Dec 5 12:25:01 EST 2003

On Friday, November 28, 2003, at 05:25  AM, Børge Kjeldstad wrote:

> Hello : )
> I have tried to upload some mp3 music files to my zope 2.6.1.
> To do this I have both tried the "add file" option in the management
> interface
> and used the product "CMF-friendly Audio object" found here:
> http://zope.org/Members/bowerymarc/CMFAudio
> However when i play (view) these mp3 songs or embed them in a web page,
> some of the songs get a silent moment (about a second) just a few
> seconds after I start to play them. Now I wonder what could be the
> reason for this?

It's not Audio/CMFAudio.  Those are based on File, and just try to call 
whatever generic plugin your browser client uses to play back audio.  
They just feed the audio data to your client.

> I have tried to modify/compress an mp3 song using lame, but this does
> not help.
> I have also used winamp to study the diferences between the mp3 files
> that
> play well and those who does not. A difference I notice is that the 
> well
> played songs are encoded by "Exact Audio Copy (Secure mode)", whereas
> the
> unsuccessful songs have no information about encoding. I do not know if
> this matters.

Currently (unless someone else updated it) Audio only recognizes id3 
version 1 tags, but that only affects cataloging, not the playing of 
the file at all.

I would guess that, unless you have silence in front of your file, what 
you're seeing is a delay of your client loading the plugin to play back 
mp3 format.

> Thanks!
> Børge
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