[Zope] Invalidating object(s) in the Zope RAM Cache

Elfyn McBratney elfyn at ABCtales.com
Wed Dec 10 15:05:17 EST 2003

Dieter Maurer wrote:

>Elfyn McBratney wrote at 2003-12-10 16:50 -0000:
> > ...
> > So, the question is:  Is there a way that I can invalidate an object
> > from the Zope RAM cache using the Zope API?
> Sure: you can do it from the ZMI (Ram Cache Manager --> "Statistics" -->
> cache entry --> "Invalidate").
> Thus, you can do it via the API (as the ZMI does precisely that). Look how
> the ZMI does it.

Sorry, my post was lacking in detail.

I have been doing it via the ZMI but it's a bit tedious to have to do that
everytime an article is posted.  =)  I'll hunt for the source...  *should
have done that in the first place*  :-)


Elfyn McBratney, ABCtales
elfyn at ABCtales.com

"Everyone has a story to tell."

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